Sunday, December 26, 2010

Best Wife Ever

Husbands are prone, I suspect, to boast of their own wives as far surpassing those of others. I'm no different in that regard, the only difference being that, in my case, it happens to be true, as evidenced by the photo above. That's my wife's Christmas gift to me -- a complete set of all five printed star sector atlases for Space Opera, along with the three volumes of Seldon's Compendium of Starships, the Ground & Air Equipment guide, and the adventure Martigan Belt. Thanks to her I now own, with the exception of a few adventures, a complete set of Space Opera books, which only feeds my weird desire to inflict this old gem on my players sometime soon. (Don't worry, guys, I won't. Probably)

Christmas was very good at the Maliszewski household this year. I've of course gotten nothing done, a situation that's not likely to change much before next week, but I'll do my best to overcome my natural desire just to kick back and let things slide till the new year. In the meantime, continue to enjoy the holidays and I'll see if I can't get more posts up this week than I did the last one.


  1. Your wife is as awesome as mine. She got me a Kindle loaded with Howard's Conan stories.

    Funny thing, I got my wife a Kindle for Christmas as well.

  2. You are both very luck men. Happy Holidays.

  3. My wife took advantage of the winter sale on RPGnow for Lamentations of the Flame Princess pdfs, and got me a load of those, as well as other things non-gaming related. :) It's nice to have partners who "get you."

  4. I envy your gaming group, I would love for a GM to inflict Space Opera on our group (instead I'm the GM so I do the inflicting around here).

  5. Actually I think I wouldn't mind trying Space Opera with James at the helm. It has been better than 20 years since I last played it and I was always the GM as I remember.

    Though I wouldn't like to put Dwimmermount on hold for it, assuming we survive the upcoming adventure.

  6. Merry Christmas. It is good that your wife feeds your passions.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sweet, and the condition of the books looks amazing - my Space Opera books, who've spent the long decades sitting quietly on shelves or packed away in Rubbermaid boxes don't look that good.

    BTW: weren't there 7 Starsector Atlases in all; I've only got two or three myself but my archive/wish list notes SSA # 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, and The Outworlds?

  9. @Magnavox: and speaking of inflicting and Dwimmermount it's been a while since James has inflicted an AP on us...have you guys not been playing due to holidays or is "less important" writing like actual RPG products taking precedence?

  10. Herb,

    There will be a Dwimmermount update tomorrow -- a combined one, actually. I've just been so busy over the holidays that posting them has been a very low priority for me.
