Monday, December 27, 2010

Petty Gods News

I can now formally announce that Paul Jaquays has graciously agreed to write the foreword to Petty Gods. I'd alluded to this earlier, but I didn't want to say anything specific until it was confirmed. Now that it has been, I'm quite happy to pass the news along to everyone.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM EST on Friday, December 31, 2010. I'd originally intended to be flexible with the deadline, but, since I've now got way more than 100 submissions -- honestly, I'm not even sure how many I have -- I'm going to be firm with the cut-off and not accept anything more after Friday evening, regardless of the quality or who it's from. I have a large pile of new submissions to work my way through, so please be patient while I do so.

Likewise, there are still illustrations available, if you'd like to donate a piece of art or two to this project. I'll be sending out more art descriptions to artists later today and tomorrow, so if you've not heard from me recently, hang tight a little longer. Christmas festivities have kept me away from my computer, so I'm even slower than usual to respond to these (and other) emails.


  1. Thank you James and all contributors, for the work you are doing to make this book. Looking forward to it!

  2. Awesome project, and it just got better.

  3. Hi james,
    did you receive all the illustrations?
