Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh, Why Not?

Since, I am regularly informed, the old school renaissance is a self-congratulatory hive mind consisting of bloggers who do nothing more than buy each others retro-clones and perpetuate nonsensical memes, I suppose it was inevitable that I'd join the horde of my fellow poseurs by announcing my plan to participate in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. To prove my sheer bloody-mindedness, I'd originally intended to sit this one out, but after I realized that the Challenge actually provided a really good framework for a series of posts I was already considering writing, I figured, "What the heck?"

So, starting on Friday -- the first post will be in addition to the usual Open Friday one -- I'll present a collection of alphabetical entries, one a day, detailing some aspect of the Dwimmermount campaign setting that's evolved over the course of the last two years of play. Many, perhaps most, of the entries will be pure "fluff," but some at least will include little house rules or other mechanical tidbits potentially of use to those who want to import some of what I present into their own campaigns.

As a teaser, the first post is "Areon."


  1. Resistance is useless.

  2. You minion of the self-congratulatory poseur hive-mind, you.

    Sounds like fun. :)

  3. Oh man... you just had to go and plant ideas in my head... that would be a great way to improve the wiki to have to do an A to Z. *sigh* Thanks James. ;)

  4. Glad to hear you've joined the Challenge. We've included you in the list at Old School Heretic.

  5. Sounds like some folks just don't get the idea of a community on the internet. No point in getting angry with them - we're doing what we love, and that's good enough for me.

  6. I am keeping a running list on all the RPG/OSR blogs I know of that are participating here,

  7. Yes, welcome! I look forward to these!

  8. Bleh, what's the point? Either you have something to say/blog, or you don't. These "blogging challenges" strike me as blogging for the sake of blogging - saying something just to hear yourself speak.

    But maybe I'm just a grumpy old man. Get off my lawn! Oh, this isn't my lawn... =)

  9. @Bree Yark!: Sometimes a challenge like the A to Z is good for getting you to think in a new way about what you have to say. A good many of the posts may be mediocre, but several will probably reflect worthwhile ideas that the posters wouldn't have thought of if they didn't have the artificial stimulus.
