Friday, August 12, 2011

OSRCon, Day 1

I'm back from Day 1 of OSRCon and had a blast. I ran six players through Dwimmermount on a quest to find the location of a dwarven cemetery reputed to be hidden somewhere on the first level. I'll have more to say in depth about the session and its events, but, for now, let me say what a joy it was to play D&D with people I'd never met before. I'm really looking forward to doing it again tomorrow, as well as at future conventions.

Here's a shot of our table, while the players are in the midst of a desperate fight against kobolds. The guys at the table behind us were playing AD&D and seemed to be having a great time, too.


  1. Homeboy in the gray shirt is giving those kobolds the straight up evil eye!

  2. Ha, looks like a great time James. Have a great one tomorrow.

  3. Have you ever thought about quitting your day job and charging people for this? 1 hour on Google+, $15/person ;)

  4. You look like you're really having fun, James. Wish I was at the table!

  5. Were there 2 kobolds, or were you just throwing down a peace sign? :)

  6. I know what you mean about playing with new people. It really gives you a fresh perspective on the dungeon itself. They do things and see things that your regular group just doesn't, or takes for granted...

  7. Glad you had a blast. Looking forward to your game recaps!

  8. Looks just like the old days -- except with guys my age now instead of guys my age then!

    Wish I could be there!

  9. @KP: Nah! That's just James announcing the imminent arrival of the Vorpal Bunny to end the session...

  10. We had a great time! James did an excellent job keeping us entertained. Dwimmermount is a very interesting setting, and I look forward to delving deeper. I felt rejuvenated by the old school approach, it's simplicity and focus on exploration.

  11. Cool man, glad it's going well. I've generally had very good experiences at small old school conventions.

  12. Hey, is that Ian Baggley at your table? Ian's art rocks.

  13. Hey, is that Ian Baggley at your table? Ian's art rocks.

    Yes, it is and, yes, his art does indeed rock. He had some on hand to show us and it was amazing stuff.

  14. Cool. We gamed together at GC. Great guy.

  15. Glad you had a good time -- hope it's just as good (or even better) today.

  16. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello today James - we must have been out getting food at different times.

    Ian's artwork is fantastic. He was in my Weird West game this morning and his 'shoot first ask questions later' Sherrif was a blast (heh).

  17. I had great fun at OSRCon too. I'm one of the guys at the "other" table playing AD&D (the one who apparently passed his “listening” check at exactly that moment and decided to turn around and look at the camera).

    Our table played the classic Expedition to the Barrier Peaks over two sessions. It was great having the chance to experience a module I never managed to play in or DM “back in the day.” Even with two sessions we only got to explore a portion of the module, but it was definitely a memorable experience, and our DM – Kris Kobold – did an amazing job of running 8 of us through the adventure.

    BTW … which player is Ian Baggley?

  18. BTW … which player is Ian Baggley?

    Ian's the fellow in gray with the impressive scowl.

  19. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello today James - we must have been out getting food at different times.

    Very likely. One of my players came back to the table having bought several copies of Weird West from you and I was surprised to hear you were there, since I didn't notice you come in earlier. I intended to hunt you down afterward our session ended and never saw you.

    Ah well, maybe next year :)

  20. Like JBM, I was also at the AD&D table in the background (though not visible in this shot), and I remember some key moments toward the end of the session when it seemed like you Dwimmermount guys must have been making some epic rolls, due to all the exhilarated shouting coming from the table. An electrifying, heady session indeed! Thanks for being such enthusiastic neighbors. It encouraged our giddiness as well.

  21. Well Carter, we hit the scenario's climax, and a certain Dwarf planted his feet in front of the statues of his kin, laying waste to kobold after kobold.......using a particular set of blue/gold dice....hehe....
    The day 2 scenario run by James was a blast as well. We explored level 3 and found a portal to the mystical red planet! We're looking to recruit some mercenaries and form a "trade" expedition by the Red Portal Consortium. Lol

  22. I'm the guy In the Brown aussie hat sittin' at the Table ... I played the Dwarf that got into the dwarf-cutout-box and a had a fear of ghosts & spectres ... Lol (I apologize for my lack of play at the begining of your great game James. I was prepin' my CoC game into the wee hours of the morn, the night before! ;0) ) It was a blast, gamin' with old-schoolers!!! I'm gonna run something next year 2012 (? may be Dark Tower or CSIO or CSWE... hmmmm... Oh! Gamma World!!)

  23. My old school D&D game at Minicon last year had around 9 people (at night, no less). Wow. I am a complete stud (in DM terms, anyway).
