I am always hesitant to claim that any single book provides the key to understanding Dungeons & Dragons. Even if I weren't, the 1973 L. Sprague de Camp novel The Fallible Fiend certainly isn't such a key. Nevertheless, I think it qualifies as a key, at least if you're interested in the specifically Gygaxian origins of the game, as I am. Reading it, one is hard pressed not to see why Gary singled it out by title from among all the tales set in the world of Novaria, a parallel world whose culture is a melange of classical and medieval influences and for which our Earth is its afterlife. Though clearly a pulp fantasy, The Fallible Fiend is also a satire, particularly of politics, both generally and of America. Consequently, like a lot of early fantasy that influenced the game, this novel remains connected to our world even when it's describing very otherworldly things.
The novel's plot concerns the picaresque travels of Zdim, the eponymous demon from the Twelfth Plane who is summoned to the Prime Plane to fulfill a contract with a human sorcerer by the name of Dr. Maldivius. Zdim not only has no interest in leaving his demonic realm for servitude, he's also very bad at being a servant, as he is literal-minded to a disturbing degree. After this flaw results in the death of Maldivius' apprentice, his contract is sold to a succession of new masters, each of whom finds Zdim's willingness to give them exactly what they ask for to be more trouble than its worth. As his contract is passed on, Zdim visits different lands and interacts with new people, allowing de Camp the opportunity to show off his wit and comment on the human condition. I wouldn't claim that any of the commentary is deeply insightful or original, but some of it still has bite, in part because it's not solely about the real world but also about the fictitious one of Novaria.
The Fallible Fiend is an important book in understanding the kind of world Gygax saw as a typical one for D&D. Novaria is a parallel Earth in that there are lots of obvious historical and cultural similarities, but they're echoes rather than mirror images, even twisted ones. Consequently, the geography is different, as are the nations. The flora and fauna are similar, but, again, not identical, with extinct species, not to mention fantastical ones, mixed in with the more mundane ones of our world. Magic exists and follows clear rules. There are gods who interact with human beings, just as there are demon planes from which such fiends may be summoned and bound into servitude. I found myself thinking of Greyhawk when I recall Novaria and I don't think that's an accident.
In all the discussions and arguments about which books and authors were most influential on D&D -- short answer: not Tolkien -- it's fascinating to me how often L. Sprague de Camp (and Fletcher Pratt) get overlooked. I grow ever more convinced that his stories played a very important role in the development of Gygax's conception of the game and his assumptions about how it would be played. De Camp was, after all, active as a writer over a long period of time, from Gary's youth all the way into the days of the pulp fantasy revival. I don't think it's a stretch to imagine that Gary retained a fondness for de Camp's work born in his younger days. Indeed, the evidence from things like Appendix N and early issues of The Dragon makes it very clear to me that he did hold de Camp in high regard and was strongly influenced by his ideas. Even from the brief summary of The Fallible Fiend I've given in this entry, I should think the connection is apparent.
I'm not yet ready to argue that de Camp's work is a Rosetta Stone for decrypting Gygaxian D&D. For one, as important as it is, I don't believe any single author held that place among Gary's influences. However, I think de Camp bears closer reading with an eye toward the question of what may have been an influence over the development of the game. I suspect we'll be surprised to find more there than has previously been supposed.
ReplyDeleteYour post on De Camp's book suggests me an interesting thought about another old school game: 'Stormbringer'. The game (1981) portrays the early Elric stories by Michael Moorcock (here the "early" is important, as later Moorcock departs significantly from his early sword and sorcery stories).
The game is also notable because it was a collaboration between Steve Perrin (the main author of RuneQuest) and Ken St Andre (the creator of Tunnels & Trolls). The result of this collaboration was - in my view - simply awesome: one of the best (and most underrated) games ever. They took the RQ engine and simplified it a lot, adding an element of deadliness and whimsical randomness and humor. The game is "fast and furious", totally unbalanced, and immensely fun. Stormbringer characters be they beggar lepers from Nadsokor or Melnibonean dragon princes live at full speed their short lives in a cynical world of demon summoning sorcerers on the brink of apocalypse. The game can be played as dark and moody or as pure comedy or (probably) as something in between. Most of the game's main themes, including the whimsical humor, are found to some degree in Moorcock, but the flavor of the mix depends very much on Ken St. Andre's sense of what is fun in a rpg (see his funhouse Stormbringer dungeon 'Bastions of Balo' published in Different Worlds).
It is also clear that the deep literary sources of the game are not limited to Moorcock - something that purist Moorcock fans sometime reproach to the game. In particular, the (potentially hysterically funny) rules for summoning and binding demon are not pure Moorcock. In the Englishman's stories there are of course summonings galore, sometimes of demons and demon-like chaos horrors, but only very few and ambiguous hints at binding demons in servitude for a long time through a contract. Now, what you say abou de Camp's novel (the contract passed to different owners, the literal interpretation of the commands by the demon)seems much closer to the Stormbringer game than the actual Moorcock stories. I should definitely check this book!
I take this occasion to say that reading your blog is most often an occasion of pure joy for me even when I don't agree with you on certain points, such as the (in my view) overemphasis on the irrelevance of Tolkien for early D&D. But now I put on my cloak of elvenkind and disappear...
Another one I've had sitting on the shelf for ages but have never gotten around to reading (yet).
ReplyDeleteStormbringer is great, plays quicker and dirtier than runequest and had a lot of tasty published adventure material. "Gormweller's infinite cathedral" was particularly a winner (Perils of the Young Kingdoms, I believe.) Now, they're not sandbox or megadungeon style modules by a long shit, but still total fun to play.
ReplyDeleteDang, Cole, now I've got a hwole new "measuring stick" I can use. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and now I've got to get a copy of this book...
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ReplyDeleteLoved running me some Stormbringer...remember reading an adventure(in one of the companions?) that had a dungeon with a map. On the map the author had an X in one of the corridors in the dungeon. The "X" had an arrow pointing to it with a note that the author wrote: "This is the farthest any adventuring party ever made it into the dungeon". Yeah, it was a meatgrinder, but a pretty cool meatgrinder at that...
ReplyDeleteAlso, the random char gen gave my players some memorable characters. For some reason (there were two players), the players almost always rolled a sailor or farmer.
The times they didn't they'd roll up a thief who had a SIZ of 19(basically, a giant) which was always funny to think how a gigantic thief would be able to pick pockets and sneak around effectively.
Ah, good times...
Y'know, Mythus Magick has a list of all the Fantasy Novels Gary had taken interest or found inspiration with, and he rated them with ****.
ReplyDeleteAs I recall, Howard was the only one rated with 5 stars, but deCamp did have 4 stars. If you want, I can dig this up and list the highest rated works.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see that list. Of course, I should probably just snag a copy of Mythus Magick, since people keep telling me it's got lots of great stuff in it, even if it also includes a lot of late Gygaxian obsessions I don't much care for.