Jeff Rients recently reminded me of the awesome map of Minaria from
Divine Right (a game I never owned but wish I had). Another terrific map is the map of

I never owned this either, but I keep going back to the Emperor's Choice website and considering buying it now. I have no idea why, since I don't think I could be called a fan of Arduin. Well, I
do know why: I'm a sucker for fantasy cartography and the Arduin map simply looks nifty. Still, I doubt I can justify spending $20 on a map for a setting I'd never use in my own gaming. Maybe when I win the lottery ...
I have a copy of this game, and it is one of my all time favorite boardgames. If you want to borrow it, let me know.
ReplyDeleteI have that map. It's very well done, and ridiculously detailed, to the point that many individual mountains, etc. are labeled with numbers, keyed to a legend on the side.
ReplyDeleteI doubt I'll ever run more than a Cursed-Scroll-one-shot in Arduin at this point in my gaming career, but I'm thinking of having the map framed (along with the oversized map of Tegel Manor) just because it's neat.
I actually have an extra copy of both the map and the World of Khass book.
ReplyDeleteIf you think the map is so heavily detailed, just wait until you delve into the book!
I have a Paypal debit card that I use for 'Mad Money' projects like this.
ReplyDeleteWIth the popularity of the site, perhaps you could put up sepcific things that you'd like to buy with Paypal donations for review purposes.
Don't know how that would work but I know a lot of people enjoy your reviews and knowing a Paypal is going to a specific thing might encourage more.
I'm the furthest thing from an Arduin fan (barely ever had contact with it) but as a confirmed map geek, that goes on my must-have list.
ReplyDeleteWIth the popularity of the site, perhaps you could put up sepcific things that you'd like to buy with Paypal donations for review purposes.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely an idea worth considering, even I am reluctant to do "beg" for funds.