Monday, January 13, 2025

When Greatness By Right Is Thrust Upon You ...

Whenever TSR released a new campaign setting for AD&D during the Second Edition era, Dragon magazine would include a special section advertising it. Issue #219 (July 1995) included one for Birthright, which featured the following pages:


  1. This I think was my problem with Birthright. The idea that certain people because of thier bloodline are better than others and have the right to rule rubbed me the wrong way then and still does.

    I was raised on too much America. Revolution propaganda to ever accept the idea of monarchy.

  2. I remember this ad, and I remember thinking that it didn't sound very much like D&D to me, whatever its precedents in Mentzer's higher-level rules and Gygax's Greyhawk campaign. Now, with the benefit of hindsight and experience with other games, I immediately think that Birthright sounds like a mixture of Diplomacy, Pentagon, and Greyhawk Wars. Which still doesn't have much to do with dungeoncrawling, but seems less weird than it did when I was younger. I'm becoming more and more impressed by the sheer willingness of 2nd Edition TSR to really stretch the idea of what could be D&D.

    1. That's supposed to be "Pendragon", not "Pentagon", sorry.
