Sunday, January 21, 2024

Thoughts on the Occasion of Merritt's Birthday

The fine gentlemen over at DMR Books generously lent me their online soapbox on the occasion of Abraham Grace Merritt's 140th birthday yesterday. 

You can read my thoughts on the subject there.


  1. For anyone who wasn't aware, all five issues of A. Merritt's Fantasy Magazine can be found on Luminist over here:

    The magazine was a somewhat questionable attempt to benefit from Merritt's name (he'd passed away six years earlier) but if you feel charitable it can also be seen as an homage to his work and his importance as a writer. Only reprinted a few of his stories, unfortunately.

  2. A. Merritt is on my short list of favorite authors of fantasy. I particularly love these three novels:

    The Moon Pool
    The Face in the Abyss
    Dwellers in the Mirage
