Saturday, August 20, 2022

We Love Crafts

While I normally mark the anniversary of H.P. Lovecraft's birthday by writing a sober, thoughtful piece about HPL's importance to the history of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, this year I thought I'd instead celebrate it with a brief bit of jocularity. 

Lovecraft has an undeserved reputation for having been humorless; nothing could be farther from the truth. Not only do some of his tales contain elements of intentional humor, but his letters are filled with examples of his fondness for puns, jokes, and drollery, to which the reminiscences of his many friends and colleagues can attest. Like all human beings, Lovecraft had many faces and it would do his life a disservice to reduce him to a single dimension – a practice of which we're all sometimes guilty when it comes to our forebears.