Monday, January 27, 2025

What's in a Name?

Since I was a child, foreign languages (and foreign alphabets) have fascinated me. I'm almost certain that my fascination was a direct result of my having spent untold hours staring at the endpapers and appendices of the Random House Dictionary of the English Language that detailed the evolution of various writing systems and the relationships between Indo-European languages. Though I've never mastered any language other than English, I've formally studied a bunch of them, which has only strengthened my interest in tongues other than my own. Reading The Lord of the Rings probably played a role, too.

My fascination with languages inevitably carried over into my roleplaying games. Almost from the moment I discovered Dungeons & Dragons, I started creating riddles, puzzles, ciphers, and codes that depended on obscure, esoteric, and/or foreign words. I thought I was being clever, though, judging from the reactions of my friends, they weren't nearly as pleased with my brilliance as I was. Undeterred, I moved on to creating my own languages, complete with their own grammars and vocabularies, hoping that my players would want to make use of them in our games. Alas, outside of coming up with appropriate sounding names for characters and locations for my campaign setting, this rarely happened.

I think names are important. Having good, evocative names helps to lend a sense of place to an adventure or campaign, especially if they're meant to be something other than a generic fantasyland or galactic empire. One of my problems with a lot of RPG settings is that the frequently don't have good names, quite the opposite, in fact. Bad names – or even unimaginative names – take me out of a setting or adventure, which can lessen my enjoyment of them. I realize that not every roleplayer cares about such things, but, for me, they're important. A big part of my enjoyment of roleplaying comes from exploring an imaginary world and, in my opinion, good worlds have good names.

As a setting, Tékumel is well known for its use of constructed languages, most notably Tsolyáni, the language of the titular Empire of the Petal Throne. Everything in the setting, from monsters to gods to even coinage and units of measurement have unique names derived from Tsolyáni or another imaginary language. For someone like myself, that's a huge boon to immersion. However, I know plenty of gamers who are actually put off by it. They don't like having to wrestle with words like Ngóro or Dlamélish or Mu'ugalavyá when playing an RPG. Sure, words like these are more suggestive of a real world with a real culture of its own, but, if they get in the way of actually playing, then what's the point of including them?

This is something I think about a lot. Since I've lately been writing a bit more about Thousand Suns, I'm reminded of the fact that, in that game, I make use of the constructed international auxiliary language Esperanto. I did that for a number of reasons, though one of the main ones was that a number of sci-fi books that inspired me, like Harry Harrison's "Stainless Steel Rat" series, for example, used Esperanto as the universal language of mankind. So, in Thousand Suns, I use Esperanto words and names in place of more common English ones as a way to add flavor to the game's meta-setting. I don't expect anyone to actually speak Esperanto while playing any more than anyone is expected to speak Tsolyáni while playing Empire of the Petal Throne. Even so, I've occasionally got complaints about the use Esperanto and its peculiar orthography (e.g. ĉ instead of ch or ĝ instead of j).

I've been pretty upfront about the fact that Tékumel was a big influence on me as I developed the setting of Secrets of sha-Arthan. One way that Tékumel has definitely influenced me is the use of unfamiliar, non-English words for people, places, and creatures within the setting. I really like the way these words have helped me to get a stronger handle on the various cultures that exist in sha-Arthan and how they relate to one another, but, as with Tékumel, I can easily imagine that someone not as keen on the use of odd words might find them an impediment rather than an aid to their enjoyment of Secrets of sha-Arthan.

It's a tough line to walk. My own interests and inclinations are to indulge my own love of exotic words, even if it's discouraging to some potential players. At the same time, one of my goals with both Thousand Suns and Secrets of sha-Arthan is to present something that were more easily accessible than the games and books that inspired them. Consequently, I'm constantly second guessing myself when it comes to how hard to lean into idiosyncratic nomenclature. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts about this topic, especially if you can point to your experiences with games/books that either succeeded or failed to make use of peculiar names and words to help build a unique setting.


  1. I found it impossible to tolerate Stephen Donaldson's ineptness at devising, to me at least, convincing names or lexicon in the Thomas Covenant stories. A friend and I who shared the same difficulty with me amused ourselves by making up the most anodyne names for both characters and monsters only to find that Donaldson was using them in his next novel.

  2. I'm with you. I really dislike crap fantasy names...where someone has just bunged a load of rarer letters...often a 'z' or an 'x'...together and thinks it sounds like a different language. Especially when it comes to place names. In real life place names are usually based on distinctive features, though often in older languages. My own Bristol is a good example, the name evolving from Bryg Stow...old English words for bridge and meeting place. But the first Iron Age settlement was actually up near the Avon Gorge and was called Caer Odor, Celtic for fort of the gap. So I would much rather fantasy worlds called their forests 'the Greenwood' and their towns 'Riverford' than Zystal and B'zark unless there is some sort of internal consistency and reasoning behind the names, as there is in Tolkien's works...but it seems most fantasy works don't go beyond 'that sounds cool'.

    1. I agree with this entirely. "Fantasy" names loaded with random letters and apostrophes are the worst. Another stereotypical fantasy trope is triple letters; no English word contains a triple letter, so it almost just becomes a shorthand for "fantastic." It might all be Star Wars's fault -- "Kashyyyk" indeed. ;-)

  3. Jim Hodges---
    In 1988, during the waning days of the golden era of my involvement in D&D, when I still had a strong interest in gaming, but my old comrades in dicing were falling one by one to the wayside, I invented an entire planet called Ventuvii, complete with continents, oceans, a jet stream, holidays, nations, cities and city states, religions, legends, mythos, royal dynasties, a complex history, scores of cultures, and above all whole families of languages, including several forms of alphabets.

    Long after the age of D&D faded from all but nostalgia, Ventuvii continued to fascinate me, as it does today to the tune of over four thousand pages of information over close to forty years.

    Here's how to say, "That mountain is a place of ill omens" in the T'urth language of the southwest of my northernmost continent, known as Komkronkin:

    "Elvatuk sess donakuvtah, sama ratar'o."

    I put a lot into my pet world, guys, I'll tell you.

    1. Nicely done. Do you have any plans for your world or do you think you will just keep it for personal enjoyment?

    2. Shrug, just kinda my thing, I guess.

  4. Personally, I enjoy the alternate world language for the same reason you do - just having the alternate words help it feel like an alternate world.

    Often times I’ll make use of real word languages in the same fashion. I don’t necessarily want the issue of dozens of human languages, but having the gnomes names all be Romanian helps set them apart, for example. A little of that spice goes a long way for the setting

  5. I'm in the same boat -- I've always been fascinated by languages, and pick them up quickly. I also penetrate ciphers quickly; your block of ciphertext I deciphered at reading speed, though it is of course an *exceptionally* easy one. ;-)

    I have likewise found that my players never appreciate my constructed languages near as much as I do. Modern players in particular don't want to be bothered with it; they just want to roll a skill check and then have me give it to them in English. That is, however, dreadful, so I don't.

    My pet cause is money, actually. Nothing is more dull and immersion-breaking than finding a cache of "gold pieces" or (worse yet) "credits." Historically, moneys have names, and I am firmly in the camp that money in the game world should exist as named coinage as well.

  6. There are two sorts of writing in games. One is where you are explaining the rules and the setting, and one where you are setting the mood and giving the flavour. The reason I bounced of Tekumel and am suspicious of similar games is that it uses the weird words in the bits where it is explaining the rules and setting to me.

    This is not so much an issue with proper names: I'm happy with being told the names of people and places. But if you are telling me someone's role in society and how it works, I need to know what you (the author, not you personally!) are talking about. If you are trying to give me information you need to use words I will know.

    Now, by all means then tell me what the in world words for these concepts are. Use those words in the parts where you are setting the mood and giving examples of places and play. But tell me what they mean in a language I speak. Otherwise, I get nowhere.

  7. This is an area I used to enjoy in reading, particularly in “A Clockwork Orange”, but as I’ve gotten older, I just can’t find the patience for it. Nothing these days knocks me out of a book faster than having the plot slowed to a crawl so I can learn the language the author thought up.

    As far as gaming goes, no group I’ve been in has had any desire to use or engage with odd languages. I will occasionally use German words to give inspiration for character names, but I learned long ago that the players in my current, long-standing group are going to show up with PCs named “Billiken Chubbycheeks” or “Wayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson”, so my choice is to either force languages and things they don’t care about on their silly fun game, or just make a wizard called “Richard ‘Dickbutt’ Butterworth” and go with it. And for the record, Dickbutt was a great character.

    1. "Billiken Chubbycheeks" is a great name! I should be so lucky; the last group I ran I had to adopt a "no anime" rule because literally all of them were naming themselves after anime characters.

  8. I dig the Esperanto in Thousand Suns, for the reasons you mention but also because Esperanto feels like a language I -could- learn.

  9. One of the greatest moments in our long game several years ago occurred due to taking language into account. Like you, I love fiddling with making languages and alphabets. While I neither require nor expect the players to share that interest, I do use made-up languages and alphabets in game. At one point they acquired a magic belt with strange markings on it. I expected that they would go to one of the few very old libraries to research what they meant, and, since they were the activation phrases, how they were pronounced. The language was that of the underground. The civilizations, such as they were, of the underground did not have a written language, not having anything to write on. When they encountered the Elvish, writing seemed useful, so they adapted the very curvy and intricate Elvish alphabet into a very angular, sparse alphabet for carving into rock. To say that they looked similar only if you knew the connection is underplaying how different they looked.

    In a wilderness downtime while everyone was doing the silly things players do while journeying, I noticed one of the players doing a lot of scribbling. His character had learned Elvish and I had given him a card with the alphabet on it. He had noticed the similarity (just noticing that was pretty impressive) and was phonetically translating it. When he was done, he had the letters correct and it only took about three tries to get the pronunciation correct to active the belt of etherealness.

    He was justifiably proud of the accomplishment.

    It turned out to be a lot harder for him to correctly pronounce the deactivation phrase, which is another reason this was one of the greatest moments in our gaming history.

  10. Apologies for being off-topic, but I don't know of a better place to make a request.

    You've had Dolmenwood as a game you've been running in the sidebar for a while, but as far as I've seen you've never talked about it. I'm curious about your thoughts on it. Is it worth a post or two? How does it compare to OSE as a ruleset and more traditional settings?

    1. I really like Dolmenwood. I should probably write about it sometime in the future, because it's a setting that's probably of interest to a lot of readers.

  11. Language is huge, but also problematic. Authentic "foreign" names and customs can enhance the game, but we don't need word substitutes for common vocabulary. For example, the Dwarves should have unusual names - that are internally consistent - but we don't need new words for sword and helmet. Trying to force feed players a whole new vocabulary just slows down the game, but providing occasional "flavor" via a foreign name or convention really helps. And remember, languages are about a lot more than vocabulary. One can communicate foreign ness by altering the language conventions we take for granted. For example, some languages have no alphabet, others are written vertically rather than horizontally, others consistently place their verb at the end of a sentence (Dutch) which sounds a lot like Yoda from Return of the Jedi!

    1. Yeah, Latin does this, for example. Subject-object-verb languages like Latin are actually slightly more common than subject-verb-object languages like English.

  12. ICE's sourcebooks for MERP often used to sprinkle their text with gratuitous elvish words for "mundane" things like "gold", "silver", etc. I found that bothersome.

  13. The first time I went to India I was building the first version of and India and Tékumel were very much blending in my imagination. I was walking down a narrow lane in Varanasi at night down by the Ganges when I came across a sign that looked so much like it was written in Tsolyani that I was taken aback (I believe now it was hand-painted Tamil). Of course now I realise how much Professor Barker was inspired by Indian languages, but at the time I was very surprised!

    1. Awesome story, the many languages of India are incredible! If you ever can. go to the nation of Georgia. European country (with so many different influences - Zororastrian, Islam, Central Asia, ancient Greece), language script that looks like something from of SE Asia (not strictly true, but it does!), and scenery and ruins straight out of an epic fantasy novel, a crumbling tower or monastery on the top of every major hill or mountain. The national book is called 'The Knight in Panther-Skin'. :-)

    2. Thankyou, that's a great recommendation - I'm always thinking about which country I'd like to visit next! I'll start doing some research ...

    3. Thanks for sharing that story.

  14. Michael Moorcock was great with names for the Young Kingdoms. Usually easy to pronounce, but still flavorful with all the double vowels and unnecessary H's:

    Yyrkoon, Jharkor, Straasha, Shazaar, Bakshaan, Hwamgaarl, Dhakos, Dharijor, Menii, Kakatal, Chardros, Narjhan.

    Howard's Hyborian Age names are cleverly both familiar and exotic.

    And of course Lovecraft was great at creating evocative names as well.

    I guess the important thing about naming is to know what tone you're trying to convey.

  15. The sounds of languages matter to me too, so when creating a series of names for an aspect of fantasy lore you want them to look in some way interrelated. I think this why I bounced off the book of Game of Thrones (Ser instead of Sir, Jon Snow, Benjen, really?), but not the TV show, because hey it's just TV.

  16. As much as i love the details, the ruleset and the cosmology; Harn suffers from a terribly conlang/naming convention. Its just bizarre how such a rich setting can not have good conlang placenames and such; let alone typical names for the various ethnicities. -verdugo

  17. I find that a desire to force-feed players a whole constructed language is an offshoot of another troublesome habit, the goal of making your pet setting as divorced from the real world as possible, often in the name of authenticity. This is why John Norman bores us for several pages explaining the Gorean system of weights and measures, which can be realted fairly easily but not cleanly to English/Customary units. This is why weapons like the bec de corbin and Lucerne hammer disappeared in 2e in favor of the "gnomish hooked hammer". This is why you can drop in a Necronomicon, penned by Abdul Alhazred, but he can't have died in Damascus. This is why when Obi Won settles in to a diner for breakfast, he can't just have a coffee but has to have "Jawa juice". Once you start down this path, you end up routing holes through your entire language, to the benefit of no one.

    There's another tedious trend that dovetails with this, which is an attempt to "dumb down" the language used in D&D, not to reach a wider audience, but rather to make it sound "more medieval" or "less science-y". This is why 5e has "thunder damage" and "lightning damage" instead of sonic damage or electric damage. (That's right, a language spoken 3000 years ago is "too modern sounding" for D&D.) It's also why 4e didn't have Dinosaurs like the Deinonychus or Stegosaurus, it had to have Behemoths like the Clawfoot and Spiketail. Pretty soon, everything starts to sound like a bad anti-hero from a 1990s comic book. "Coming next issue: Razorwolf comes for Bloodaxe!"

    This sort of thinking, a desire to get away from the mundane at the expense of usability also applies at the character level. It's only a hop, skip, and jump away from being called a "metagamer" because you recognize the gnome's steam-billowing iron horse is a locamotive and acting accordingly. "Your character wouldn't know that...!" (You put it there! For us! It's a joke we, the players, were expected to get. It was good for what it was. We don't need 10 minutes of pantomime where we, the characters, pretend we don't know how this works already.)

    None of these things make a setting read better. None of them are evocative. Some of them are outright confusing. Honestly, the more I wrestle with it, the more convinced I am that the best D&D settings are made up nations like Latveria, that have always been somewhere, somewhen on Earth... just an Earth that has room for
    both things things like djinn and dragons, and things like Rome and France.

    1. I agree with your last paragraph wholeheartedly. The setting I use for OSR games is a fantasy 6th century Britain that mixes real history with generous dollops of old Warhammer, Arthurian legend, Lovecraftian horror and various other rip-offs. But because of the basis in real history, it has the advantage of familiarity for my players...I don't need to explain the basic setting to players, which leaves me room to concentrate on the story and the fantastical elements.

    2. @Mallius: Robert E Howard used the same approach in building the Hyborian Age. Familiar names and cultures to make it easy to accept and understand, but different enough that he didn't need to worry about historical accuracy.

      Lack of familiarity with the basics of a world make it hard to play in that world. I haven't read Barker's novels, so I would be lost playing Empire of the Petal Throne. I can't imagine trying to play Call of Cthulhu without having first read Lovecraft.

      In this way, I guess Greyhawk's vanilla/generic fantasy setting made it easy to be so widely adopted back in the day.

      This might be something to think about, James, for sha-Arthan.

    3. In the original Empire of the Petal Throne, the PCs begin as fresh-off-the-boat barbarians and confined to the Foreigners Corner, except when under contract with a citizen, so only the GM really had to be familiarize themselves with the setting. (In later games set in Tekumel, this changed.)

  18. I have a procedure I have for using languages in my game. I assign each language a real life non-English language that is available on Google Translate. Then I assign it an "alphabet" using Chaotic Shiny's language mixer. If I want to translate anything from English, I plug it into Google Translate, plug the result into the language mixer, and use that result for the translation into orcish (or whatever). It gives each language a consistent look, sound, and grammar, and makes it very easy to come up with "foreign" names for anything I choose.

    You can also make recognizable dialects, if you assign similar languages (say, different Scandinavian languages, or Scots Gaeilic and Irish Gaelic) and use the same language mixer's "alphabet" for each of them.

    I think it would be possible to use this technique to place inscriptions all over a dungeon, while making certain to use certain words over and over, so that players started to recognize the words and guess at their meaning, and to make decisions based on their guesses.

  19. I have a pretty high tolerance for whatever names people come up with, though I can find some humorous names out of place (though humorous names for RuneQuest ducks tend to get a pass...).

    I have been making heavy use of Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names, sometimes picking a culture for a particular group of people, and using Japanese names for Bushido characters.

    I'm actually coming to a conclusion there's also nothing wrong with Fred the Fighter.

    For place names, almost anything goes. Having the dominant culture for the campaign's region have familiar sounding names does add some comfort, and more unusual names for the "exotic" places works. I happen to like all the names in Glorantha that derived from the players.

    It is a good point, keep names of mechanical things more mundane, it helps if we know what they are, though I do like how Bushido gives an English and a Japanese name for many skills and gear.

    Bushido points out that cultural names for character types helps with the atmosphere.

    On money, I'm fine with {metal} pieces, or coin names. They are a few names that will quickly be learned. Please have an appropriate abbreviation though...

    But I used to talk in terms of SMUs (Standard Monetary Unit)...

    My objection to Tekumel on creatures was more not having virtually any earth creatures rather than a host of exotically named creatures. To me that made it hard to visualize Tekumel when the wilds aren't filled with familiar animals. I know it makes sense, but it does create a sense if inaccessibility for me.

  20. James, I love the names you use in your various products. To me they seem both otherworldly and grounded.

    I agree you can have too much use of "foreign" words in RPG products. I do think they add something. Having the dwarfish battleaxe have a unique dwarven word that means head splitter or something is great. You can't have all of their kit be dwarfish words but sprinkling them in is good.

    One of the problems is everyone's tolerance for it is different, and even an individual's tolerance changes over time. As the first few become ingrained, you may want to add more, so getting the amount just right is not really possible.

    I like the idea of providing both, or perhaps a sprinkling on the equipment list, and an appendix with many more.

  21. Rather than enhance immersion, imaginary words used too liberally serve as a constant reminder that I am not actually in that world and don't speak that language.

    The trick may be to use enough to evoke a feeling of the exotic but not use so much that I have a hard time imagining that I'm there. The breaking point on that may be different for each person.

    1. Oh, to be sure. Nobody wants to play a game where you have to learn a weirdo language just to talk with ordinary townsfolk (I'm looking at you, planar cant). I always reserve my weirdo languages for weirdo situations, myself; the ruins of an ancient civilisation, invaders from space, things of that nature.
