Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Now What Do You Do?

Though actually released in late 1984, I first became aware of GDW's post-apocalyptic military roleplaying game, Twilight: 2000 through a three-page advertisement that appeared in issue #93 of Dragon (January 1985). Spread over six pages, with the ad appeared on every other page and left a powerful impression on me. Looking at them again, I can easily understand why.



  1. God, how I wished I could have played this when it came out. I think only one friend owned it (and it may have been his older brother). This ad was its own version of a thirst trap.

  2. Meh. I was not interested back then or now. I did love Gamma World though.

  3. Those faces in the ad! You can tell, those PCs have _seen some sh*t_, man. Or else the artist was _on some sh*t_ while drawing them, of course.

    1. T2k fans have long pointed out that a lot of the art in the game were re-workings of wartime photographs. The two figures on the left of the cover picture were inspired by Vietnam War photos by Tim Page. So, yeah, they'd seen some stuff.

    2. I remember people pointing out that GDW and DGP had a habit of using paintings/drawings/tracings of photographs to illustrate their publications, without crediting the originals; which was infuriating to some, sad or embarrassing to others. My own attention is drawn more to the _diffident quality_ of some of the copies ;)

  4. I suspect those ads are how I found out about the game, too. I distinctly remember seeing the ad in the basement/game room of a friend who had a Dragon subscription. One of the wargames we dabbled with was one of potential WW3, so the hook was natural.

  5. It sure hooked me and my friends!
