Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Speaking of Perytons ...

... is there are OGC version of these beasties? I can't seem to find one, which is odd, given that they're based on creatures from medieval bestiaries and thus wholly within the public domain.

If there's not a version, I can whip one up pretty easily but I'd prefer to use an existing one if such can be found.


  1. Check the 0E Monster Book for Swords & Wizardry.

  2. See Paizo's Pathfinder #19 or Necromancer Game's Player's Guide to the Wilderlands for OGL versions that are reasonably faithful to the AD&D version.

  3. Also: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/fan-conversions/paizo-adventure-paths/pf-19-howl-of-the-carrion-king/peryton

  4. They were my go-to wilderness monsters next to wolves and giant spiders back in the day. I actually haven't used them since the late 80's though.

  5. JDJarvis: Yes, there is. I have a copy I got from FRPGames and it is a pretty neat game. Find it here: http://www.perytonpublishing.com/perytonrpg.htm
