Tuesday, March 13, 2012

G+ Dwimmermount This Week

This Friday, March 16, I'll be running another Dwimmermount session via Google+ for backers of the Kickstarter. The session will run from 9pm to 12am EST, but will be for 2nd-level Labyrinth Lord characters, since they'll be exploring Level 2A (The Laboratory), which I've been transferring from my mess of notes into a more intelligible form.

If you're a backer who's interested, can make the times, and has access to G+, make a comment below and I'll randomly determine several of you to fill the available slots. I'll let everyone know the results of the random rolls by Thursday evening, which will give us plenty of time to make changes, in case something comes up for anyone between then and the time of the game. Last week, things were a little chaotic and I had to scramble to choose some new players in time to get moving by 9pm.



  1. Is there a chance any of these sessions will be run on a day other than Friday?

  2. 9 pm EST, so 10 pm EDT? I can make that if I leave MMA on time. :)

    Please put me in for a slot! If you choose me, let me know if I need to roll up my own PC or if you'll provide one.

    1. Excellent question - as an Aussie I'm not sure of the protocol - does "EST" refer to what a clock on the wall in New York says right now (i.e. EDT) or whether it specifically does not include daylight savings (what I think EST means). James, could you please elaborate?

  3. Yes, definitely. Friday is easiest for me, given my own schedule, but I have plans to run some on days other than Friday -- just not this week.

    1. I'm available.

      Will you be providing pregens or are we rolling characters before the session?

  4. Wouldn't mind lurking, but I'd watch a recording with equal happiness. This will teach me more about on-line play techniques. If you want to reserve the slots for players, no worries.

  5. I would love to play. I'm a backer - Dallas Mc.

  6. I would also like to play if possible. (Backer name is Steve Bode)

  7. I would love to play. -Roger Brasslett

  8. I'd love to play as well. -Taarkoth

  9. I'll throw my name into the hat. By the sounds of it it'll be starting at 9-10am Saturday morning from my timezone :D Name - John Da Silva Pola

  10. I just signed up on the kickstarter, I could play if you needed alternates, but I can't guarantee I'd be there... but if you're allowing spectators I'd be grateful if there was an open invite.

  11. Consider me a candidate for play. However, I've never played a version of D&D that was released before 1995. If selected, should I hunt down the LL rules and have a character rolled up and waiting?

  12. I live in France. Any chance that some sessions will be set up in the late morning / early afternoon time frame?


  13. I would love to play again, but would also like others to get a chance. Please consider me as an "alternate."

    Regarding the EST vs. EDT. I suspect James means 9PM EDT, or 9PM Eastern as we Easterners sometimes say.

    1. Well if that's true, I can't play after all. Bummer.

    2. Yes, "EST" is "Eastern Standard Time." I'd forgotten that we're on Daylight Saving Time already. Bah.

    3. I'm still confused! :)

      I'll take it to me that you mean 9 pm EDT, clock-on-the-wall time. I can't make that and therefore I withdraw my application to play.
