Friday, August 2, 2024

Fight On! Returns

Fight On! fanzine is one of the foundational products of the Old School Renaissance, first appearing in the Spring of 2008. Over the course of the next five years, indefatigable editor Ignatius Ümlaut put together fourteen issues filled with contributions from every corner of the OSR and beyond. I am now happy to announce that, after more than a decade of quiescence, issue #15 of Fight On! has finally arrived, the first of many new issues, I hope. 

Issue #15 is dedicated to the memory of J. Eric Holmes, editor of my beloved 1977 D&D Basic Set. Its contents consist of the following:

Ten Ways to Holmesify your Game (Zach Howard)
Special Ability Charts (Attronarch) 
The Orthogonal Dwarf (Olle Skogren) 
Gremlins! (Calithena) 
Maze Master’s Miscellany (Alex Schroder & Cal) 
The Catacombs under Old Samora (Philipp H.) 
Knights & Knaves: Holmes Town Heroes (Tony A. Rowe) 
Bringing It All Back Holmes (Clark/Grodog/Cal) 
Maps from the Maze of Peril (J. Eric Holmes) 
Distributary of Darkness (Alex Zisch) 
The Silken See (Motley Dice) 
Grognard’s Grimoire (Richard Rittenhouse) 
The Wizard’s Satchel (J. Blasso-Gieseke) 
Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments (Rittenhouse) 
Victory or Death! (Gabor Lux) 
Megadungeon Workshop Extravaganza! (Kesher) 
Calvero! (István Boldog-Bernád) 
Creepies & Crawlies (James Maliszewski) 
Tables for Fables (Al, Greco, Wetzel, and Rients) 
The Darkness Beneath (Alex Schroder & Lior Wehrli) 
Henchmen-Я-Us: Pole Arm Caddies! (Calithena) 
Chainmail: Battle for Bronzolo (Settembrini) 
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric (Linneman & Green) 
Education of a Magic User (Douglas Cox) 
Wham! (Tom Gordon) 

I'm incredibly happy to see Fight On! return. I contributed to the inaugural issue, along with several others that followed. I cannot exaggerate the importance the fanzine played in fostering and disseminating original old school RPG material to a wider audience. I hope its return is not a temporary one and we can look forward to many more issues in the years to come. I know I'll do my best to help support and promote it.

Print copies are available here, while PDFs can be found here.


  1. I already ordered it from Lulu. Some of the old issues of Fight On! were awesome and inspiring, taking me back to reading Dragon in the eighties.

  2. Looks great!
    Permit me to quote the passage from The Hobbit that the cover has us thinking of, about Bullroarer Took. "He charged the ranks of the goblins of Mount Gram in the Battle of the Green Fields, and knocked their king Golfimbul's head clean off with a wooden club. It sailed a hundred yards through the air and went down a rabbit-hole, and in this way the battle was won and the game of Golf invented at the same moment."

  3. Thanks James! We are glad to be back with another issue and grateful for your contribution! Fight on! - Calithena

  4. Thanks for the shout out James! And double thanks for the cool monsters! - Calithena

  5. Why don't you do a series of retrospective reviews on the first 14 issues?

  6. He reviewed a lot of them as they came out! - Cal
