Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Madison Bound

So, who's going to be attending Gamehole Con 11 this year? After much hemming and hawing, I finally went ahead and committed to going this October 17–20 in Madison, Wisconsin. As I've mentioned before, I had a great time at GHC the couple of times I was there before, so I'm looking forward to returning once again. I'm also looking forward to seeing friends from all over once again. For me, that's the real joy of conventions: having the chance to chat, hang out, and roll some dice in the flesh rather than just virtually, as I do too often these days.

With that in mind: who else will be attending? I'd love to have the chance to meet up with some of you and maybe even play something. I've been contemplating using the con as an opportunity to publicly playtest the latest draft of Secrets of sha-Arthan anyway, so it might be even more fun to do it with regular readers and patrons. If you'll be there and would like to get together, drop a note in the comments below and we can begin to planning it now.


  1. Exciting! I am attending & running a game there over several days: Nightwick Abbey by Miranda Elkins

    1. I was thinking of trying to join one of those sessions, so perhaps we may have the chance to play together.

    2. Looking forward then- hope it can happen!

    3. Alas, I was unable to secure a seat in any of your Nightwick sessions. Maybe next year!
