Seeing as I'm regarded in some corners of the Net as the gaming equivalent of Morgoth Bauglir, I figured it was about time I got hold of my very own Grond.

Here's an unflattering action shot of myself wielding the Hammer of the Underworld in my cave-like basement while doing battle with my eight year-old son, who was armed with a Nerf sword. Many thanks to my wife for recording this epic battle between Good and Evil for posterity.
What a hoot! My son got that same Nerf weapon for Christmas (along with the axe). Never saw a 17-year old so geekily giddy. (yes, that's a word...)
ReplyDeleteAgainst a Nerf sword?
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to you & congrats to your son! ;)
My wife got that mace for my teen son this year and got me the smaller ninja style sword and was surprised when we spent 20 minutes beating the hell out of each other on Christmas morning...go figure.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't the first time I've seen you refer to a less-than- savory reputation among certain elements of the OSR, yet I rarely (if ever) see it mentioned elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteYour self-described villainy seems largely, well, self-described. What am I missing?
James is the Law Giver!
ReplyDeleteIf he says it, it is so. Doubt is for heretics!
By The Apocryphal Book of James M., he is the gaming equivalent of Morgoth Bauglir! So it is written. . .
I think it's funny that you have such a reputation, self-described or not, because "Jamie Mal" pretty much means "Jamie the Bad" in the Latin.
ReplyDeleteWhat am I missing?
ReplyDeleteNot much. It's mostly a joke, although there are a few folks on a handful of blogs and forums who regularly trot me out as Exhibit A of everything that is wrong and opprobrious about the old school renaissance.
I think I remember coming across a thread somewhere where you were held up as a "swine" by this guy RPG Pundit--he seems to hate you with the hate of 1000 suns, and I had no idea whether he was being serious or not, because it was all so absurd to me. I think being an Angry Angry Hippo is his shtick, so maybe it was all a front.
ReplyDeleteGrognardia is my probably my favorite Old School blog, I love your writing, and you seem like the nicest guy to boot. I just didn't understand what the mini-tempest in a teacup was all about.
ReplyDeleteMy friend bought a nerf six-shooter revolver thingy and has successfully sneak attacked me on numerous occasions when I've gone to visit. He'd do it so sporadically I never new if he'd snipe me walking up the stairs. It would freak me out every time, you'd think I would have learned.
PS - Petty Gods stuff sent, pleez drop me a line.
After which, Morgoth-Maliszewski was banished to the Outer Darkness, or, at least, the back porch. :)
ReplyDeleteI think the only evil thing in this picture is the wood paneling in the background. I say this as someone with a wood-paneled basement.
ReplyDeleteI think the only evil thing in this picture is the wood paneling in the background.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know the half of it. If you could actually see the entirety of my basement, you'd quickly decide that wood paneling was one of its more attractive features.
"I think I remember coming across a thread somewhere where you were held up as a "swine" by this guy RPG Pundit--he seems to hate you with the hate of 1000 suns, and I had no idea whether he was being serious or not, because it was all so absurd to me. I think being an Angry Angry Hippo is his shtick, so maybe it was all a front.
ReplyDeleteGrognardia is my probably my favorite Old School blog, I love your writing, and you seem like the nicest guy to boot. I just didn't understand what the mini-tempest in a teacup was all about."
Not sure what the fuss is, but there are plenty of us salty types that enjoy your blog and are glad for it. I'm fairly certain that if we had grown up near each other we'd have gotten along famously... and I'd have beaten up anyone who thought ill of you... twice. >:x
OK. Maybe not so much... but still...
Keep up the good work, James!
Well you certainly have the eyebrows for it.
ReplyDeleteI wish there was more of your kind of wrongness on the internet...
Am I the only person angry that Nerf stuff wasn't this cool when I was a kid (or that it didn't exist at all - I know I've betraying my relative youth there)? I drooled over those swords and maces and what-not the other day. My wife and I have six-shooters we "modified" with metallic paint and some false aging.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you are suffering _pon farr_; i.e., the Vulcan 7-year itch. ;)
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who was trying to figure out what everything but the obvious 1e stuff was on the shelf behind James?
ReplyDeleteGreat pic, btw, fun fun!