Wednesday, April 10, 2024


In the wake of my "Whither Grognardia?" post from earlier this month, I learned that a lot of readers find it difficult, if not impossible, to comment on the blog. That certainly explains why the number of comments per post has generally been lower than it was during the first iteration of the blog. In response, I did some poking around to see if the reported problem related to settings that I could change or if it was something else out of my control. 

I'm still not sure of the answer. However, I did make a few changes to the comment settings. If you're someone who has, in the past, had difficulty commenting, give it a go and see if anything has changed on your end. If so, I will be pleased. If not, I may need to look into the matter further.

[UPDATE: It would appear that most people can now comment without too much trouble, which is good. However, I should point out that all comments are still manually moderated, in order to stem the tide of spam (of which there is a lot). Consequently, a comment's not appearing immediately doesn't necessarily mean that it didn't go through, only that I'm not at my computer or otherwise haven't yet approved it.]


  1. I've never had a problem in the past (maybe because I use blogger as well?). Just the expected lag awaiting approval, which I don't mind one whit (keeps it civil)

  2. That did not require me to log in with my Google account. Nice!

  3. This is a test. I have not been able to comment in the past. If it shows up then something has changed for the better, at least for me :)

  4. The Google sign in still fails, so I'm trying the option for name and URL (a link to my dormant blog). If this works I'll comment again in future!

    1. Ive had initial problems with Google log-in due to 'privacy' features of and/or plug-ins in my browser (like 'Ublock Origin'), but once I selectively disabled those, Google login-in for posts worked just fine.

  5. Well, let's see. I've never been able to get thru blogspot, even in a browser without ad-blocking (and G is all ads).

  6. Someone from the Internet testing your commentfunctionApril 10, 2024 at 12:45 PM

    Testing protocoll from a first time commenter:
    (I read your post as a request :) )

    Functional test: No need to login, self assigned Name and url, and I can easily comment without blocking functions.
    If you can read this, your comment function is usable, but has some minor usability issues.
    While typing on a mobile phone I don't see my text, only the first view lines. To see the rest, I have to scroll down, as soon as I start typing the screen scrolls to the first line. That is odd behavior.

    Tested on Android, duckduckgo browser,

  7. Sometimes I've been able to comment and sometimes not. It seems to be a Google login issue. This is a test comment.

    I guess it's also a good opportunity to thank you for the articles over the years. Thank you.

  8. Well, let’s see if this works. My main problem is that I normally use Safari to browse the web; and your comments used to only work via Brave or Chrome. And yes, that did act as a filter on whether I commented or not. Which may have been a good thing, to be honest.

  9. So, that apparently did work. However, I cannot log into my Google account via Safari and must use the semi-anonymous setting. It’s moderately annoying because there is no feedback on whether the comment went through, whether it failed, or whether it’s in moderation—in the previous case, for example, while it appears that the comment went through without moderation, it was not visible immediately after publishing, nor even on refreshing the page a few seconds later, but only after I took the time to start up Brave and view the site there.

    1. Just making a wild guess here, but: could that be due to browser cache ? Then explicitly clearing your cache, and then reloading the site in the same browser (Safari, in your case) should also fix the issue. Just a thought.

  10. Interestingly, publishing semi-anonymously seems to go through right away, but publishing while logged in seems to route through moderation? Or perhaps you’re monitoring the comments right now.

    1. I moderate all comments, just to be sure they're not spam.

    2. And you are right to do so, but it must be a pain. I had a blog years ago and once it became somewhat popular I had to do the same thing and it became unworkable. I hope for your sake that filters are better today and it's not as much work.

      I've never had an issue commenting that I'm aware of. And to echo a few other people, thanks for all the stuff you've posted over the years. You write eloquently about topics that interest me.

  11. Is the drought over? Can I comment again? Hoody hoo!

  12. If I choose Google Account, I’m not able to sign in, though I am signed in to both Google and Blogger at the moment. That’s too bad, but it’s better than before your update!

    1. I wish I understood why things work the way they do.

    2. I’m convinced “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

  13. Yes, I should clarify, that when I say I can’t log into my Google account, I mean that the commenting system says “Unable to sign in to comment.” I am signed into my Google account in this browser, it’s just not detected.

  14. Like other people mentioned before me, I had problems in the past with a Google log-in due to 'privacy' features of and/or plug-ins in my browser (like 'Ublock Origin', or perhaps allowing 'cross-site cookes'), but once I selectively disabled those checks, Google login-in for posts worked just fine.

  15. Something that broke for me a few blog posts back (so I do not think this is related to your recent modifications), is the 'notify' option (to get email notifications of new comments on the same blog post). Posts do go through, but I no longer get the email notifications even though I selected 'notify' when making the comment.

  16. I can never seem to log into blogger properly. This is much better!

  17. Looks like I can now post from the office. Home always worked.

  18. This is much better. Thanks!

  19. ...lovely!..i've found myself wanting to comment for a long while but have no google account from which to do so...

  20. Hello James,
    I like your "grab bag of whimsy" approach to blogging. It dovetails nicely with my whimsical approach to reading posts that interest me. Keep on keepin' on at your own pace would be my advice. I'd assume many other readers are also happily along for the ride.

  21. I'd like to see healthy comment sections be a thing!

  22. I’ve never been able to post via my IPhone. Any comments I’ve been able to leave have been made on my desktop. I read your blog religiously, and I love it, but mainly on my phone.
    But the time I get around to the desktop, I’ve usually forgotten I wanted to comment
    Anyway, this comment is made on my phone, so I shall now hit ‘Publish’ and see if I have better luck.

    1. Well, it worked! Only, it has me shown as ‘Anonymous’. Oh wait, I believe I fixed that! Lol

  23. I have always had trouble commenting using Safari. It won't accept the Google sign-in. Chrome has no trouble.

  24. I used to be able to comment with my Google account without agreeing to the Blogger cookie agreement, but that is still an impediment to me.

  25. Woo hoo! Can I finally comment on Grognardia?!

  26. One thing that can make commenting difficult using Firefox is that Blogger uses tracking cookies to facilitate account sign-in, but Firefox defaults to refusing those cookies. On Blogger sites, and it has to be done for each site separately, Firefox users will have to go up to the shield icon at the beginning of the URL strip, click on it, and manually turn off "Enhanced Tracking Protection".

    1. I just tried this, and for me this setting was not saved across Firefox restarts (I fully expect this to be a bug, but am currently not energetic enough to file a bug report and follow up on that).
      What does work for me is this: go to 'Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Browser privacy', and then select 'Custom', and change the setting for 'Cookies' to 'Cross-site tracking cookies' (the top entry in the list).
      I realize that this changes the setting for all websites, and not just blogspot/grognardia, but life is short and I have a hammer. ;)

  27. I'm glad of this change; I've wanted to make a comment a few times over the last few years, the sign-in button didn't work, and I just wandered off rather than trying some other way to make contact and report the problem. Thanks, all you who made this possible (and easy) again!

  28. I can comment, but with the same slight workaround I've always had to use. Not a problem; just means I can't comment from work.

  29. Oh now I can comment. But despite having a Google account it says I still can't login. Maddening. And since I read this blog 99% of the time on mobile means I rarely if ever comment because I can't login probably.

    Ah well.

  30. Never had a problem before with the Google sign in. Probably will now, now that it's been fixed ;D

  31. Almost always worked before, and when it didn't it was connectivity issues on my end. The changes don't seem to have altered anything - assuming this posts okay.

  32. Testing if it works now.

  33. Will this work then?

  34. I enjoy reading your blog

  35. I haven't been able to comment here at all for a long time, and it's been extremely difficult over at CRPG Addict as well. Google basically broke something in Blogger and I'm pretty sure they forgot they owned it. Glad to see it works now -assuming the Publish button goes through, here goes...

  36. The Lurker in the ForumApril 11, 2024 at 10:21 AM

    Testing, testing.

  37. Your blog is an inspiration to me. It helped me start a blog of my own. I did shut mine down recently due to a personal situation that has caused me to drastically reduce my online footprint. However it also has helped me find joy in the hobby once again after personal setbacks. It continues to provide motivation and enjoyment of this pastime. Thank you.

  38. Thank you for making this change -- I wasn't crazy about using my Google account to comment here -- I have loved this blog for years... Guessing there are more like me! :)

  39. I've often wanted to comment but found it impossible. Thanks for fixing this!

  40. If this works, I can comment from work...

  41. I'm a longtime reader who enjoys the heck out of Grognardia and the comments section but rarely has anything useful to add. :)

  42. As someone who's often wished to comment on various articles here, but was unable to, I deeply appreciate this change.

  43. LetsfightsomeslimesApril 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM

    It works!
