Monday, December 23, 2024

Starship Geomorphs

It's yet 2025 yet and I've already started to make good on two resolutions for the new year: to post more (though not exclusively) about Traveller and to draw attention to other RPG blogs whose content I like. Today, I've decided to combine them by highlighting Robert Pearce's superb Yet Another Traveller Blog. Though it's not updated regularly, what sets YATB apart from other blogs devoted to Traveller is its focus on providing lots of incredibly useful resources for play, particularly deckplans. I made regular use of these maps when I was refereeing my Riphaeus Sector campaign years ago.

Among the most useful resources on the blog are its two collections of starship geomorphs. The first of these was released more than four years ago and is available as a free PDF and as a hardcover print-on-demand book through DriveThruRPG. The second was only just recently released and is currently only available as a free PDF. This second set of geomorphs was "specifically designed to recreate the feel of the smaller, classic Traveller starship designs," whereas those in the original collection are more eclectic and include plenty of geomorphs for larger vessels. 

Both collections of geomorphs are excellent. I urge anyone with an interest in Traveller, particularly referees of Traveller, to take a look at them.

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