Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Bad News Bugbears

While perusing issue #60 of Dragon (April 1982), I stumbled across yet another image of a bugbear I should have brought to your attention. This one appears in an April Fool's edition of the "Dragon Bestiary" with art by (I think) Jim Holloway.


  1. Hahahaha ! ROFL. Thank you for posting this.

  2. Definitely Holloway.

    Baseball Bugbear "Babe" Brained By Beer Bottle

  3. Great movie. I remember watching it on TV as a wee boy and being awed by Walter Matthau's expressive face.

  4. I remember that image — my first thought was Holloway as well.

    The art in Dragon helped establish the “look” of D&D monsters as much as any module or even the official books.

    Also, the influence of the lead miniatures was crucial as well, particularly: Heritage-Dungeon Dwellers, Grenadier, RAFM and Ral Partha — the early Citadel, too — often the box art was almost as important as the figures themselves
