Monday, September 23, 2024

"Orcs, goblins & trolls prefer Grenadier figures ..."

Another memorable Grenadier Models advertisement, this one appearing at the back of issue #64 of Dragon (August 1982).


  1. I always wondered what the creature in this ad was supposed to be. It doesn't look like an orc, goblin, or troll: more like a cross between a werewolf and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

  2. Uh-huh. And less than a year later, their license will be gone because they refused what amounted to takeover threat from TSR. I advise everyone to go read the "Metal" articles in Space Gamer issues 63 and 64 (both easily found in pdf online if need be). The first has an interview with Kevin Blume attempting to dispel industry rumors about some of the shenanigans TSR had been up to as they attempted to enter the miniatures market for themselves. The second has an interview with the head of Grenadier exactly what the offer TSR had made them would have entailed. To put it mildly, Blume doesn't come off looking too good.
