Thursday, January 16, 2025

Your Safety is Our Proft Margin

As I wrote today's Retrospective post, I wanted to reference something from my Riphaeus Sector campaign, thinking I'd already posted about it earlier. However, a quick search through the archives of the blog turned up no evidence that I'd ever done so. And it f I'm mistaken about this, oh well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time!

During the campaign, the characters acted as covert agents for Imperial Naval Intelligence service of the Empire of Nagoya. They masked their activities by also operating as a genuine mercantile company they called Universal Exports. Here's a fun little graphic one of the players produced in reference to their activities. Since I'm a big fan of player-made materials like this, I thought it'd be worth sharing more widely. It's also a great memento of the campaign.


  1. I had forgotten that being shipped "low" passage was fraught with the chance of dying. Although both the Star Trek episode "Botany Bay" and the Planet of the Apes movie shows this as a distinct possibility. (2001 as well if you count murderous AI). Not really familiar with any literary stories with the same issue, but there surely are some?

    1. "Low passage" comes from Tubb's Dumarest Saga stories. In those stories, as I recall, traveling in this way is risky because it's akin to freighthopping. It's not a normal mode of interstellar transportation and consequently it has the potential to kill.

    2. not unlike jumping on a tramp steamer. It's adventurous, but wrought with danger.
