Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Retrospective: Temple of Apshai

When I was in the seventh grade, a new kid joined my class and he soon became my best friend. He was also an early adopter of personal computers, owning a TRS-80. I didn't own a computer of any kind – and wouldn't until the early '90s – so I spent a lot of time over his house. admiring this wonder of the dawning Information Age. We played a lot of games on that "Trash-80," most of them not very good or memorable. However, a handful do stick out in my mind as being both, chief among them being Temple of Apshai.

Temple of Apshai is one of the earliest computer dungeoncrawlers, not to mention one of the first have graphics, albeit very primitive graphics. For many computer aficionados at the time, I suspect that was one of the biggest draws about the game. For me, though, the mere existence of a computer RPG at all was more than enough to attract my attention. That I'd also seen advertisements for Temple of Apshai in the pages of Dragon probably played a role, too. In those days, I was easily captivated by ads and those Dragon magazine ads, showing an adventurer fighting some antmen, intrigued me.
Temple of Apshai was developed and published by Epyx, the company that also produced Crush, Crumble & Chomp (another game I'd first seen advertised in Dragon). Its earliest version appeared in 1979 and, from what I understand, came on a cassette type, a format that prevented player progress from being saved. My friend and I were playing on a later version that included 5¼-inch floppy disks, thank goodness. Temple of Apshai was already difficult enough as it is. I can't imagine trying to play it without the ability to save.

The game's premise is simple: enter and explore the ruined Temple of Apshai, the insect god, in the hopes of finding treasure and magic items. The instruction manual does provide some cursory background information about the founding of the temple and its relationship to the Temple of Geb, the god of earth. But the play of the game doesn't really make use of, let alone depend upon, this information, which is mostly about exploring – and surviving – a four-level dungeon consisting of more than 200 rooms and inhabited by two dozen different types of monsters, most of which are (appropriately) giant insects, along with a handful of slimes and undead.

As I said above, the game's graphics were quite primitive, not much better than Atari's Adventure, which appeared only a little later. Even so, I was quite impressed with being able to see the layout of the dungeon rooms and corridors, in contrast to games like Zork, which relied entirely on text to present their in-game environments. The limitations of technology at the time being what they were, your character and the dangers he faces appear as simple pixelated shapes rather than as something genuinely representational. Later versions of the game improved upon this, but that occurred long after my friend and I played the game.

Like all early computer games, Temple of Apshai clearly shows inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, but it has a number of features that remind me a bit of RuneQuest. A character had six ability scores – Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Intuition, and Ego – whose scores ranged from 3 to 18, just as in D&D. However, unlike D&D, there are no character classes. All characters are effectively fighters, since, aside from magic items, no magic powers or spells exist in the game. Further, combat and other actions can fatigue a character, who must rest in order to regain his energy. Armor lessens damage suffered, while shields make a character harder to hit. None of this is remarkable to old RPG hands, but, for a computer game of this, it's pretty sophisticated stuff.

Because of its graphical limitations, Temple of Apshai could not visually distinguish the contents of one room from another. Instead, each room, trap, and treasure have an entry in the game's instruction manual to which the player must refer in order to get a more detailed description of what his character is presumably encountering. For example, the first room of the dungeon is described as follows:
The smooth stonework of the passageway floor shows that advanced methods were used in its creation. A skeleton sprawls on the floor just inside the door, a bony hand still clutching a rusty dagger, outstretched toward the door to safety. A faint roaring sound can be heard from the far end of the passage.

This is very much like a "real" dungeon, which is to say, one a referee might create beforehand, with keyed room descriptions to which he'd refer in play. I don't think I appreciated this at the time, but, in retrospect, I find it fascinating. I recall reading somewhere that Temple of Apshai's designer, Jon Freeman, was inspired to create the game after he'd spent several years trying to find ways to use computers to aid referees in running D&D campaigns. If true, it's yet another reminder of just how important and influential Dungeons & Dragons has been on the growth and development of computer games and, by extension, computer technology itself. 

Like so many early computer RPGs, I don't think I could play Temple of Apshai today. That's no knock against the game itself or its deserved place of honor in the history of computer games. Rather, it's because you can't go home again, however much you might want to do so. What enthralled and amazed my friend and I in 1982 is not something that would do so today – but it was an amazing game in its day and I'm glad to have had the chance to play it.


  1. Not meaning to get too personal, but how did you end up computerless to the 1990s? Even my anti-tech parents bought a TI in 1982 and a Tandy in 1985... we didn't have free reign, but enough time to play Ultima and others!

    1. The truth is I didn't want a computer of my own until I was in grad school in the early '90 – and, even then, the only thing that convinced me to get one was seeing how easily MS-Word did footnotes. Before that, I mostly saw PCs as overly expensive video game consoles and I already had one of those.

    2. I got my first computer, a ZX Spectrum 48K at Christmas 83 or 84. I managed to break it inadvertently in about 89 and was computerless until the summer of 92 when I bought a 386SX (4mb RAM, 40mb HD) for uni with my summer job money and that really helped me through my final two years.

      My folks wouldn't buy me a console.

    3. I forget about consoles! I have many friends with them, but the only we ever had was an Atari 2600. Makes perfect sense that you wouldn't want a computer otherwise. After the Atari my parents didn't really want another console in the house, so I played Tunnels of Doom on the TI and then moved on to Ultima, Starflight, and others on the Tandy.

  2. I'm liking this series of retrospectives and this one is particularly interesting because I've toyed with the idea of coding up a computer adventure that would in effect be a menu driven module, playable solo. The programme would be descriptive text and options but you'd be using paper-based mapping and the BX rules to run it. A sort of choose your own adventure.

    I also wonder whether anyone has mapped and statted out these adventures as dungeons to play with ttrpg rules?

  3. I dimly remember playing it on a C64 - the first computer in the household, and the last one for many decades until dad brought home a worn-out laptop from work in the early 2010s. I'd call my parents borderline Luddites, but dad's primary work history was in IT and programming for health insurance companies. He just plain hated computers in the house, and my mother is such a technophobe she used to go around unplugging everything if the house was going to be empty for more than a few hours because it would cause fires.

    Never got very far in it because dad decided it was a waste of time and ran a magnet over the floppies after a few weeks. "You should have been done with it by now."

    1. My household was much the same, right down to my mother unplugging everything - EXCEPT the godlike vicious triple-sawheel hand mutilator ice crusher - at night. A friend's father did some pretty scary Cold War work and had an elaborate voice recognition "IVAN" computer that was too intimidating to even try to turn on. Ultimately we never wanted to be in the house(s) anyway. It was where there was far too much supervision. Grab the books and dice, and maybe some bug spray, and head for the woods.

  4. There are quite a few articles where people have published maps - for example - but haven't seen anyone turn it into a TTRPG adventure

  5. I loved EPYX games back in the day. I was one of those poor sods who could not save progress, but it made the game feel more real. It became a real accomplishment to not die. In a way, it had a real impact on the way I still feel about FRPGs in general. The specter of death always a reality makes the successes that much more palpable.

  6. Oh wow! My first computer was a Trash-80 (thanks Dad!) and I had completely forgotten about this game. I definitely played the heck out of it one summer when my D&D buds were gone.

  7. The need for the manual made a pirated copy hard to play back in the day, and I couldn't afford to get games any other way. But I remember inching along in the Atari 800 version and finding...a giant centipede?...hidden in a pile of trash. You could also shoot an arrow and you'd see the arrow fly, which was pretty nice at the time. But I probably didn't play past the first few rooms.

  8. For myself and three other friends, Christmas break 1979-80 vanished down a black hole called Temple of Apshai -- it was simply enthralling.

  9. I learned BASIC at school on a TRS-80 in 9th grade in Computer Math class and remember they had one game on it that we played. I don't recall if it had any graphics or not, so it could be this game, or zork! (I'm thinking the latter). A year later we were learning Pascal on PCs and I swear I played Zelda on it, but I don't think it was on the PC that early. Soon I was at college at discovered Macs, and never looked at my electric typewriter or console again.
