Monday, June 6, 2011

Google Search

In case anyone cares, the Google search gadget located on the right is broken. I have no idea why it no longer functions (it did so last week, I am certain), but the fact remains that it's inoperative. Poking around the Net reveals that this is not a problem unique to this blog. Rather, it's an issue on Google's end of things, which means it may be some time before it gets fixed, assuming it ever is. In the meantime, if anyone has any recommendations for an alternative search gadget with which I could replace this dysfunctional one, I'm all ears.


  1. I usually just do a straight " " from the main Google page. (Actually, from the address bar in Chrome, but same thing.)

  2. I think the widget itself is on the fritz. Give it a few days to see if they get it fixed.

  3. Two weeks ago I had a problem with the followers gadget. Last week I had a problem on the comments form in my blog and now the search gadget. I think all Google gadgets are damaged.

  4. I usually just do a straight " " from the main Google page. (Actually, from the address bar in Chrome, but same thing.)

