Monday, February 1, 2010

Yet More Logos

Thomas Fitzgerald offered up a four more sample Dwimmermount logos. Take a look.


  1. I have to say that I'm keen on #3. Sometimes less is more

  2. Last one seems a bit busy. I'd say the third is the best but maybe darken it a tad bit more.

  3. My favourite is the first, and my least favourite is the last, which could have slid off a White Wolf hardcover.

  4. Good, but there was something about the less-processed look of your earlier attempts that seemed (to me at least) to be more in line with what you're going for in this campaign.

  5. I prefer 2 but 3 is good too. Not 4, its just too much.

  6. 3 is the best. It's clearest and still retains the character I think you're looking for.

    I respect that the 4th one is a "different direction" but IMHO it's just too much.

  7. I also like 1 and 3; dislike 4 because it screams WW/Delta Green to me

  8. I prefer #2 because it's brighter and just has more 'sharpness' to it. #1 is too dark, and #3 is still a little greyed-out, in my opinion. #4 has too busy of a background, but I do like how the white title pops out at you.

  9. #2 is best IMHO, it has a little higher contrast which gives it a little more pop and readability. If I'm being nit picky I would suggest that some of the stray marks about the "O" be cleaned up, especially the one that makes it look like a "Q".

    Though it's well done, I'm not digging #4 as it relates to your project, it has a more 3e era/White Wolf aesthetic to it, it's very 2000's.

  10. I'm gonna be awkward again and say the previous RQIII/GW style logo was preferred here: roughness + glyphs kept it in line with one particular late-OS style (mid/late 80s). Without that tweeness it's hit-and-miss whether those first three still hit the mark for OS - number three is better perhaps as it's more subdued; four shalt thou not count (sorry! ;)

  11. So is it pronounced "da-wim-mer-mount?"

    There's no extra syllable between the d and w. That consonantal blend is pronounced identically to the way it's pronounced in "dwarf," thus dwim-mer-mount.

  12. I'm gonna be awkward again and say the previous RQIII/GW style logo was preferred here: roughness + glyphs kept it in line with one particular late-OS style (mid/late 80s).

    I actually rather like the glyphs too, since they're reminiscent of alchemical symbols and alchemy plays a big role in my campaign.

  13. in #1, the first "m" and "i" look kinda weird, #4 is horrible, reminds me of cheap console games.

    I think the #3 is best.

  14. Ouch, Blogger ate my extended and reasoned reflection so I will respond in brief points.

    Thanks for feedback.

    Will exercise restrained pursuit of classically minimalist aesthetic.

    4 was an attempt to incorporate Thulian Planetary/planar cosmography incised into wall with magic/dwimmer glow bits.

    I understand association of particular aesthetic with particular design ethos and direction of hobby is alienating. OSR is more elegant in its simplicity.

    I do not want to make anything dungeonpunk- Yuk!

    Will de-Q-ify the O (thanks Joshua)

    Again thanks for feedback.

  15. I still prefer the first one he did.

  16. Favorite: #1 (right amount of darkness)
    Least Favorite: #4 (too busy)

  17. Honestly I like them all. I think #4 is much more 1990s than you are aiming for, it feels very reminiscent of Birthright or Planescape. Maybe if you ever decide to publish a late 2nd edition source book?

  18. The dark shadows at the top of #2 pull the eye into the art, contrast always good if only one color.

  19. Great work, Thomas! I can see what you were going for with 4, but I don't think the colors quite fit for Dwimmermount.

    On first glance I liked 1 best, but on longer reflection I prefer 2. I love the overall design, but agree with a couple of the previous commenters that the incresed contrast and brightness makes it more readable, while retaining the charm and mystery of the concept.

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