Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Petty Gods Art

I'm knee-deep in selecting entries to include in Petty Gods, but there are already several entries that stand out as particularly good. For these, I've already contacted a few artists about getting illustrations to accompany them and I've been frankly amazed by not only the quick turnaround time for these illustrations but also by their quality. For example, here's a terrific piece by Chris Huth that depicts Tricruxia, the petty goddess of forked tunnels (submitted by John Stater).

Anyway, this is just a brief update to let everyone know that I am working through all the entries and am (slowly) getting in touch with artists, but it's a time-consuming process, so I appreciate the continued indulgence. If you haven't heard from me yet, don't worry. That's not an indication of anything other than my simply being a slacker who's not yet caught up with all his emails.

On the plus side, as I work my way through all the submissions and start to see some of the artwork, I am more convinced than ever that this is going to be an awesome little book.


  1. Damn. That is good. Maybe I should consider redrawing my petty god...*gulp*.

    Seriously though, nice stuff Chris!

  2. Dude needs to start illustrating Old School modules (immediately). Great work!

  3. nice

    wish i wasn't so busy right now

  4. wish i wasn't so busy right now

    I know the feeling.

  5. Stunning. You have quite the project on your hands.

  6. That is beautiful, it is like looking something unearthed from those musty tomes of 1970's.

  7. I love it. Chris is, as usual, the man.

  8. Brings back those fond memories of Judge's Guild and others of the Golden Age.

  9. Well, that's set a high standard for the rest of us.
